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Nominations Invited for Open Board Positions

Wednesday, April 17, 2024   (0 Comments)

Dear Massachusetts Psychological Association Members,


My name is Dr. Elizabeth Sparks and I am the Chair of the Nominations and Governance Committee of MPA. I am writing to ENCOURAGE you to consider becoming actively involved in the governance of MPA by submitting a self-nomination for one of the open Board of Directors positions. I thought it might be helpful for me to share my reasons for serving as a member of MPA's Nominations and Governance Committee at this stage in my professional career, and why I hope that some of you will also decide that it is important for you to serve in one of the Board of Director positions we are currently seeking to fill.


I have been a licensed psychologist since 1989, and have worked for 30+ years in both clinical practice and in the Academy as a faculty member and academic administrator. In the early days of my professional career, I became a member of both the American Psychological Association and the Massachusetts Psychological Association. I was working as a practicing clinician at that time and felt that it was important for me to have membership in my professional associations at both the national and state levels. Over the years, I took on a few committee responsibilities in APA, and I served on the Massachusetts Board of Registration for Psychologist for a five-year term (1993-1998).This experience on the Board expanded my understanding of the state regulations that governed the practice of Psychology, and how important it was for all psychologists to be in a position at some point in their career to help “shape” the future roles for Psychology in our state and Nation.


I hope that sharing my “story” will inspire you to join us as a member of the Governance Board of the Massachusetts Psychological Association as it works to insure that Psychologists in our state receive the support, training, and advocacy that is necessary to enable them to wisely and effectively serve the public good.


Nominations are being sought for the following Board positions:


  • President-Elect(3-year term, includes one-year term as President-elect, one-year term as President, and one-year term as Past President; nominees must have served a prior term as an Officer or Director)
  • Treasurer: (3-year term)
  • Metro Region Representative: (3-year term; nominees must be from this region)


Candidates may be nominated by MPA members or they may self-nominate. In order to increase diverse perspectives to the Board and committees, members in marginalized and/or underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Terms begin July 1, 2024. Nominations are due by 4:00 pm on May 10, 2024.


For more information and to access the nomination forms, please CLICK HERE.



Elizabeth Sparks, Ph.D.
Chair, MPA Nominations and Governance Committee

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