2022-2023 Eleanor Rosenblum Fellowship |
About the MPA Rosenblum Fellowship for Advocacy Training Rosenblum Fellowship Training 2023-2024: The goal of this Fellowship is to learn about advocacy, legislative issues, and public policy as it relates to professional psychology. Therefore, the training is intended to give you information and knowledge based on these different arenas. Below is an outline of the training along with suggested reading. Note: All MPA meetings are being conducted through Zoom for the foreseeable future, and will continue to be an option for Fellows who are not located near MPA offices.
Orientation & Goal-Setting: 1. Meet with past Fellows to learn from their experience, including what they did, how they enjoyed their experience, and to benefit from their suggestions. Recent past Fellows include: Jennifer Stockwood, Aleesha Young, Psy.D., and Lea Silvert. 2. Meet with President of MPA, Dr. Elizabeth Austin, regarding overview of MPA leadership, strategic plan, advocacy initiatives and goals for fellowship. 3. Meet with MPA Lobbyists, Patricia Lynch and Ben Fierro, III, regarding lobbying efforts, legislative and regulatory advocacy, and the history of MPA’s legislative work. 4. Meet with Rep. Ruth Balser, a licensed psychologist and a legislator in the Massachusetts House of Representatives since 1999 5. Meet with Susan Wagner, MPA’s Executive Director, to review functioning of MPA, governance, Public Issue Review Committee (PIRC), areas of responsibility, and current projects 6. Meet with Dr. Andrea Barnes, MPA’s Director of Professional Affairs and supervisor of the fellowship, to discuss issues in psychology advocacy, current projects, setting goals, and brainstorm ideas for this year’s fellowship. 7. Meet with a representative of MPA’s Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) to discuss issues of diversity as they fit into the MPA advocacy agenda. 8. Meet with the chair of the Doctoral Student Group to discuss ongoing projects and initiatives 9. Attend other events and meetings as appropriate.
Legislative & Advocacy Training: 1. Regular meetings with Dr. Andrea Barnes, MPA’s Director of Professional Affairs, to review legislative and regulatory issues relevant to MPA and the practice of psychology. 2. Serve on the Public Issue Review Committee (PIRC) with a specific role to assist in drafting/preparing statements on approved public/social policy issues on behalf of MPA. 3. Work with the MPA Lobbyists on legislation, attend meetings with legislators and/or legislative hearings, as time allows, and follow a particular issue/bill relevant to Psychology 4. Attend Advocacy Committee meetings, which occur every other month, on a Monday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. 5. Meet quarterly with the current Chairs of the Advocacy Committee (Drs. Shoshana Fagan and Diana Westerberg) and/or Federal Advocacy Coordinator (Dr. Beth Jerskey) to discuss advocacy initiatives and other relevant topics. 6. Attend meetings with the Massachusetts Mental Health Coalition, as time allows (meetings occur on the third on Monday of the month, from 10:00am – 11:30am). 7. Attend MPA Political Action Committee (PAC) meetings and/or fundraising events for legislators, as time allows 8. Attend meetings for Presidential Task Force on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, as time allows 9. Attend MPA’s quarterly meetings with regional health plans, as time allows
Leadership Development: 1. Meet monthly with a member of the MPA Board of Directors or Committee/Interest Group Chair(s) relevant to the Fellow’s areas of interest to discuss the role of leadership and leadership development in a community, organization, etc. 2. Attend monthly MPA Board of Director Meetings as determined by MPA (1st Monday of the month from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm) 3. Attend MPA's Annual Conference scheduled on November 4, 2023. 4. Assist the Chair of the Doctoral Student Group with coordination of student initiatives and possible MPA Lobby Day
Readings shall include, but are not limited to: 1. Psychology Licensing Law 2. Board of Registration Regulations 3. Federal and State Mental Health Parity Laws and ongoing challenges 4. Federal and State Confidentiality Statues 5. Medical Records Law 6. Managed Care Reform Law 7. Overview of Legislative Process 8. MPA Bylaws 9. Current Bills & Legislation which MPA is addressing 10. APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct 11. Healthcare Reform Laws 12. Payment Reform Laws 13. Electronic Health records 14. Telehealth 15. Recent reports on access to mental health care and mental health care reform in Massachusetts 16. Select journal articles on advocacy in psychology Call for Applications: Rosenblum Fellowship for Advocacy Training, 2023 – 2024
The Massachusetts Psychological Association (MPA) is inviting applications for the 2023-2024 Eleanor Rosenblum Fellowship in psychology and public policy. The Rosenblum Fellowship provides a unique opportunity to learn the processes by which public, social, and mental health policy are created. The program offers active participation in MPA advocacy on several levels, both within and beyond the organization itself. By studying the interface between psychological knowledge and social issues, and by having direct experience with legislative, political and policy-making procedures, the Rosenblum Fellow will be in a position to take an active role in the future leadership of the profession of psychology.
Scope of Fellowship The goal of the Fellowship is to learn about advocacy, legislative issues, and public policy as it relates to professional psychology. The Rosenblum Fellowship will enable the candidate to observe and participate in the Association’s governance process. To this end, the Fellow will attend Board of Directors and Advocacy Committee meetings, join the Public Issue Review Committee (PIRC), and observe and participate in legislative hearings and lobbying activities. The Fellow is also invited to attend additional relevant committee and staff meetings, and to observe and participate in legislative hearings and lobbying activities, as time allows and determined by MPA. The Fellow will have the responsibility for a specific research project or advocacy activity to be completed by the spring 2024, and will take an active role on the Association’s Public Issue Review Committee (PIRC) by preparing statements on those public/social issues the committee approves to move forward with on behalf of the Association. The Fellow will also submit a year-end report describing his/her activities to be presented to the MPA Board of Directors and published on the MPA website.
Terms of the Fellowship The Fellowship will run from October 2023 to July 2024 with a 5 hour per week time commitment. The Association will provide a Fellowship stipend of $1,500. Parking or other reasonable expenses will be reimbursed, with advance approval of MPA’s Executive Director.
Requirements for Candidacy MPA encourages applications from candidates in marginalized and/or underrepresented groups. Former Rosenblum Fellowship applicants are welcome to re-apply. The applicant must: Be a doctoral or post-doctoral student in psychology within Massachusetts Be a Student Member of MPA in good standing Have a clear commitment to pursuing a professional career in psychology Demonstrate a serious interest in public policy
The applicant should submit: A curriculum vita (CV) Two letters of recommendation from faculty instructors or psychologist supervisors, attesting to the applicant’s professional development, ethics and interest in the area of public policy A two-page, double-spaced applicant statement of background experience and interest in the position
Application materials must be received no later than 5:00 pm Eastern Time on September 7, 2023 by completing the form below or by postal mail to The Rosenblum Fellowship Committee, c/o Massachusetts Psychological Association, 195 Worcester Street, Suite 203, Wellesley, MA 02481. Select candidates will be invited for an interview to occur between September 14 and September 22. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Andrea Barnes at barnes@masspsych.org or 781-263-0080, x1011 with any questions. |
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